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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  July 24, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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it's not what he deliver that made him special. it's what he collected. >> you know, mike, this is one sf our most famous pieces. eaptioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: good evening. new orleans is famous for many things, but it is infamous for one. the police department is among the most corrupt in america. plagued by bribery and violence. today in an agreement with the city, city, the federal government moved in to clean it up. pr's an unprecedented top-to- bottom overhaul, and chip reid has the story. >> reporter: attorney general eric holder today announced a plan to completely transform the dw orleans police department. one of the worst police forces thehe nation. >> this agreement is the most widespread, wide-ranging in the department's history. >> reporter: the plan will change dozens of police policies gnd procedures on everything from training to recruitment to interrogations. for example, all officers will get 40 hours of training on the use of force and 24 hours on searches and arrests.
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officers will be barred from oopping or arresting people on the basis of their race, sex or sexual orientation. cameras will be installed in patrol cars. interrogations will be videotaped, and threats of violence during interrogations, once standard practice, will be prohibited. all this began two years ago when new orleans' mayor mitch landrieu concluded his police ntpartment was out of control. skede asked the justice department for help. >> the citizens of new orleans deserve a police department that protects, that serves, and partners with the community to keep our city safe. >> reporter: after a ten month investigation the department found that officers in the new orleans police department routinely use unnecessary and unreasonable force. officer involved shootings and in-custody deaths are advestigated inadequately or not at all. training is severely deficient. the report also found that officers routinely engage in race and sex discrimination during one 17-month period officers fired weapons at 27 people, all were african- american. and the report says there was a
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pieeping failure to investigate allegations of rape and domestic icolence. the new orleans police department has been plagued by corruption and scandal for decades. one notoriously incident followed hurricane katrina when four officers opened fire on a group of unarmed people killing o o and wounding four. the officers are now serving long jail terms. this agreement will be in effect for at least four years. scott, the attorney general cautions that no one should expect change to come overnight because corruption in the new orleans police department is so deeply rooted. >> pelley: chip, thank you. we've learned something new today about what was happening inside the theater during friday's massacre in aurora, colorado. today two women who were wounded daid the suspect, james holmes, was shouting at his victims. barry peterson has the interview. >> reporter: witnesses say the shooter said nothing as he repeatedly fired into the audience. but from the hospital, survivors alee young who was shot in the
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neck and stephanie davis who kept her friend from bleeding to i seeremember it differently. >> i see him up there. tnd i'm hearig him yell at people and then you just hear the rounds going off just boom, boom, boom, boom. >> reporter: off camera davis cad reporters later he would shout, "what are you doing? u said stand up." nd would pick people up. i saw him stand over someone. i just see hair and him holding the shirt and, boom. le it's sad for me to know that there's people out there that just go through so much in their life where they just massacre, you know, for lack of a better word, just to massacre people and i feel so sorry for him. i feel so sorry. >> reporter: investigators, in including the lead prosecutor karen pierson, scoured holmes' apartment today. investigators were also coming to the theater crime scene. one major clue to what triggered holmes' actions could be his cademic failure at the iverersity of colorado's denver medical campus where he was part
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of an elite program in neuroscience. he had just flunked part of his first-year examination and had begun the process of withdrawing. the university campus remains on a heightened state of alert with someicades around some of the rcmpus research buildings where holmes might have studied. ho officials are being tight lipped about the time holmes spent here including the fact that some of the ammunition he bought online may have been delivered to him at the university. the public defenders get their chance at the crime scene later this week. they will bring their own forensic experts to see if they can find any discrepancies in the prosecution's case. scott? >> pelley: barry, the investigators seized holmes' vemputer. what have they found in that so far? l, well, what our sources are telling us, scott, is they've been going through this computer hard drive since yesterday. so far, nothing they have found from the hard drive, nor from the witnesses, has led them to change what they believe was the inalinal scenario. that said, you need to add that they also have not yet found
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anything that explains motive. >> pelley: barry, thank you. amid all of the death in aurora, there is new life today. katie medley gave birth to a son. ehe son of her husband caleb medley who was severely wounded in the shooting. she was also in theater but she was also unharmed. the baby's name is hugo jackson medley. a short while ago john blackstone spoke with michael west who is a friend of the hemily. >> the baby is full of life. loud. just like his dad. so the baby is doing good. katie, she's recovering. caleb is still in critical condition but he is stabilized. t katie was able to bring hugo down to see caleb? >> katie, she put hugo in caleb's arms and she was holding his hand when the baby was laying with caleb and katie was talking to caleb about the baby.
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his blood pressure and his heart lete went up. he was squeezing her hand. so we know that he could hear her. everybody's emotions are complicated, but from this tragedy we did get a brand new life. it's a great day. >> pelley: in addition to caleb medley, 18 shooting victims are ltill in the hospital. erve of them are in critical condition. ghere is a vicious fight unfolding tonight in the city of three million people. the largest city in syria, syeppo. the syrian dictatorship is hitting rebels there with attack jets and helicopter gunships. hie popular uprising against the 42-year-old dictatorship began about 17 months ago. this is video today from the the of holmes where government troops counter-attacked rebel forces. ed's estimated that nearly 20,000 people have died in the rivil war so far. most of them civilians.
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a major concern for the world tonight is syria's stock pile of chemical weapons. we asked david martin to look into that. >> reporter: israel has started sssuing new gas masks to citizens living close to the osrian border. a barometer of the increasing concern over syria's arsenal of er iical weapons. pentagon officials say syria has the largest operational, that is, ready to use, stock pile in the world. and now a spokesman for the r rian foreign ministry has thlked openly about using them. ns these weapons are meant to be used only and strictly in the event of external aggression syainst the syrian republic. >> reporter: besides biological ucents such as anthrax syria is believed to have hundreds of tons worth of chemical weapons ranging from paralyzing nerve
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agents li agents like sarin and vx, to old-fashioned blister agents like mustard gas. ihey could be launched by missiles, fired by artillery or dropped from airplanes. me would take more than gas sssks to protect against them. a full body suit of the kind .drn by american soldiers is needed to present sarin from coming in contact with the skin. riere are fears the regime might use these so-called weapons of mass destruction, w.m.d. for short, to put down the uprising. a horrific scenario which the foreign ministry spokesman seemed to rule out. >> any stock of w.m.d. or any unconventional weapon that the syrian arab republic possesses would never be used against civilian or against the syrian people. >> reporter: but there is another horrific scenario. that is as syria disintegrates into violence. chemical weapons would fall into the hands of terrorists who might use them against the u.s. or israel. the weapons are produced and stored at depots around the country. u.s. officials say they are working with israel on plans to secure the sites. a mission that would almost certainly require putting troops re the ground. ainlnow both u.s. and israeli isficials say the weapons remain
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r der the control of the syrian regime which has beefed up security at the storage sites. ingpelley: but a deteriorating situation. ave, thank you very much. security is also a major concern in london where the olympics begin on friday. we asked mark phillips to find out whether the city is ready. >> reporter: three days to go and along with the crowds there's been another invasion: more troops. the london organizers who recently had to call in 3500 tlitary personnel because a private contractor couldn't deliver enough security guards today had to bring in 1200 more soldiers. o with the helicopter carrier mored in the middle of town, mmmmandos patrolling london's river, and antiaircraft missiles missing the olympic site, some like columnist nick cohen feel these are looking like a games under siege. we'e're having the olympics and nde para-olympics almost feels like para-military olympics. >> reporter: london is having another rough roll-up to the
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games. sps often rickety transport system is being stressed to breaking point with two crucial line failures this week. >> it's ridiculous, we aren't going cope, it is going to be a c t of a fiasco. people are going to get stranded. >> reporter: stranded or stuck, london's traffic is expected to get even worse because 30 miles of special olympic lanes have been carved out of its already narrow streets for the exclusive use of official games traffic. even its famous black cabs are banned. can i ask what you think of the olympic lanes? >> you don't want to know. you do not want to know. believe me. >> i'm a licensed cab driver. i have earned a right to work the streets of london. and the olympics are stopping me from doing that. >> reporter: it's one of the major hubs of every olympic city. hold the games and the world will come. except the reality is the games may scare away as many people as
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thi attract. maybe more. the games will begin in hope that things can only get better. mark phillips, cbs news, london. >> pelley: the highest ranking nktholic church official convicted in the sex abuse scandal is going to prison. 61-year-old monsignor william lynn of philadelphia was sentenced today to three to six years for child endangerment. he was convicted of covering up abuse by priests that he supervised. the judge said lynn had, quote, enabled monsters in clerical garb. ill health care reform raise or lower the deficit? we'll have a new report. the mississippi brought low by drought. what that is doing to this key shipping route. and america knew him as gorge knfferson. we'll remember actor sherman hemsley when the "cbs evening news" continues. i never meant to...
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or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all medicines you take, any planned medical or dental procedures, and don't stop taking pradaxa without your doctor's approval, as stopping may increase your stroke risk. other side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. pradaxa is progress. having afib not caused by a heart valve problem increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you can reduce your risk with pradaxa. >> pelley >> pelley: a powerful storm system known as a derecho swept across the midwest today. winds knocked out power to more than 300,000 homes and businesses in illinois. but it didn't reverse the damage from our record drought. we sent michelle miller to st. louis where the temperature hit 105 today to see what's happening to one of the nation's most important commercial waterways. >> if we don't get any relief
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epe impact just gets worse and worse and worse. ra reporter: barge operator mark fletcher has been shipping corn and grain on the mississippi river for over 30 years. twice a day he checks river levels in st. louis. today it is nearly 12 feet below toda average. making the river narrow and shallow. >> it takes more turns, more shipments to get the same amount of time down to new orleans. >> reporter: the drought has exposed sand bars. bo navigate around them, tug boats must push fewer barges but carry less cargo. that's costing fletcher $20,000 a day. will the consumer feel it in their pocketbook? >> the company that buys the ulrn or the wheat or the soybeans to process into other food items obviously is going to f ise their prices over time. >> reporter: one barge could haul as much as 58 tractor trailers at a fraction of the price. >> the biggest fear right now is as water levels drop they're going to continue to run aground. nd.reporter: a traffic jam?
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>> traffic jam, exactly. reporter: one of fletcher's barges has already run aground. it will be stuck there for months. the army corps of engineers plan to dredge the river to keep it open. but that's little comfort to port operator dennis willmire. >> if the river is not passable, you'll see delays of barge tows for two or three days while they're in there dredging that ita to get it back open up. as the river continues to drop the problem just worsens for ter: mne. >> reporter: many fear this drought could be as bad as 1988 when the river was so low it was closed to barge traffic. g> we can't do anything about ot, look, mother nature is going to do what she's going to do. >> reporter: as many as 70 of fletcher's barges are tied up at the dock. water levels are expected to keep falling until at least teptember. michelle miller, cbs news, granite city, illinois. >> pelley: rising waters have turned deadly in china. tre than 110 people have died in recent flooding and have a look at this. ars cars plunged into a river yesterday after a bridge gave way.
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cars were carrying guests to a wedding. one man had to be pulled through a sunroof and hoisted to safety. the postal workers collection that got mike wallace's attention. it wasn't stamps. his story is next. next. [ male announcer ] research suggests cell health plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multi-vitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. it has more of 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+.
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to support cell health.
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court's ruling which allows states to opt out of expanding didicaid will save the federal government $84 billion over the next 11 years. but republicans make good on their vow to repeal the law, the sb.o. said that will increase the deficit by $109 billion because the law raises revenues and cuts spending. herbert vogel, who died this week at the age of 89, knew all about stretching a dollar. od put together a staggering collection of modern art on a shoe string. he was a postal worker who never earned more than $23,000 a year. his wife was a librarian, but herb and dorothy vogel crammed thousands of works of art into aeir new york city apartment. they were often among the first to discover new artists, buying the works cheap and watching the value grow. value grow. the vogels caught mike wallace's attention in 1995 for "60
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minutes." >> that one is by richard tunnel. do you see it? right here. > yes, i see it. >> reporter: they could have made millions but they chose a different path. >> i didn't even make a $20 bill trtright on any artist. tist.ght. i never sold their work. i >> in 30 years. >> we never put anything on the market. >> reporter: instead they tinated every piece to the national gallery of art, their nation the nation. did you know that sherman s msley was also a postal worker before he moved on up to eelevision stardom as george staerson. rchie bunker's neighbor and eimesis on "all in the family." >> that bartender is willing to work for me because you have enough green in your pockets, then black becomes his favorite color. ( laughter ) >> reporter: hemsley's character was spun off into "the jeffersons" which ran for 11 seasons. sherman hemsley died last night at his home in el paso texas. he was 74.
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black males are killing black males on the streets of new orleans. byron pitts with the mayor who is out to stop it next. would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye-care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. [ male announcer ] ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. now, that's a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. help protect your eye health.
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ooh gas, take an antacid.
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oh, thanks. good luck. good luck to you. doesn't he know antacids won't help gas? oh, he knows. [ male announcer ] antacids don't relieve gas. gas-x is designed to relieve gas. gas-x. the gas xperts. nah. [ dennis' voice ] i bet he's got an allstate agent. they can save you up to 30% more by bundling your policies. well his dog's stupid. [ dennis' voice ] poodles are one of the world's smartest breeds. are you in good hands? you know you could just use bengay zero degrees. medicated pain relief you store in the freezer. brrr...see ya boys. [ male announcer ] new bengay zero degrees. . >> we begin tonight with the
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federal government's move to rid the new orleans police department of corruption. we end with the mayor who is out to rid the city of crime. byron pitts tells us that for the mayor the fight has become personal. >> the message is, for the most part always the same " we found a young african-american male wine phasedown with bullets in the back of his head, he is dead, there are no witnesses ". >> he has the story down pat because he has told so many times, in his office he has binder's filled with the names and stories of every person killed on the streets of new orleans this year. >> two guys for driving down the street and there have to be a birthday party for a 9 year-old boy going on so they took out an ak-47 and sprayed the neighborhood, unfortunate one of the bullets hit rihanna alan and blew her guts out and killed her. she was 5. >> he keeps her picture in his office, a reminder of who he is
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fighting for. >> was the common denominator? >> if you have to be an african- american male between 16 and 24, you are either killing or getting killed. >> in make a point about race, why? >> of the clout scandal killed 200 kids on the streets of america there would be hell to pay. and if there were 200 white kids on the streets of america killed, the world would stop and will do something differently. >> what is it about borland's and the notion of black males killing black males? gives anyone in the oreland should know, it would be you, so why? >> the truth of the matter is that no one knows. no one knows in the country. but you're never going to understand it unless you look at it and in my opinion no one has ever really looked at this because it is too painful the discussion for us to have. >> it is too politically charged have a conversation? >> all that you have to do is sit at the funeral of a five year-old baby girl and just feel the agony and pain of her mother
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and grandmother, it runs as deep and dark as the mississippi river, to not be able to turn away from this. >> the mayor has adopted community policing models that have held york and los angeles, he has doubled the number of homicide detectives from 16 to 32. and 29 new police officers were walking the community beats a this month but yet the killings persist. the murder rate spike 14% last year .. >> as mayor of new orleans, how do you impact that? >> i want to say that this is a priority and we want to solve that problem, we need all hands on deck because these kids lives matter. >> he says that he will not be satisfied until he can stop adding names and faces to the binders that he keeps close. >> and that is the cbs evening news for tonight. for all of us at cbs news around the world, could night.
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>> good evening, >> another few hours by the bay. another few million dollars in the bank. the president jetted off to oregon this morning after a trio of campaign events in the east bay. the fund-raisers boosted his campaign coffers by another three or $4 million. his republican challenger mitt romney spent the day in reno where the president made a side trip of his own yesterday. and it grace lee tells us that it is places like reno that could make all the difference in this race, which is way too close to call. >> absolutely, we've been talking about this for months, it could really come down to swing states and that is what the president and the republican candidate mitt romney were in reno within 24 hours of each other, they note that it matters. but what is more staggering is that in some states like nevada, it could be decided by one county and at one county could conceivably decide the entire presidential election.
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>> the president's policies has made it harder to recover from the deepest recession in 70 years. disposing the military to cuts that no one can justify. >> that was mitt romney in reno trying to win over voters. >> we're winding down a decade of war, destroying the terrorist network that attacked us and strengthening the alliances that extend our values. >> the president addressed the same group, the veterans of foreign wars, in nevada. there's a lot presidential attention on the biggest little city in the world. and with good reason, it is in a swing state. >> we have barack obama winning nevada last presidential election by republican congressional candidates winning since then. they have proven themselves to be independent, it could go either way. >> the new york times has identified nine states that are still too close to call, and nevada is one swing state that could help decide this election. clark county is expected to go


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